Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards

Monthly Rewards for February 2025
Our monthly free game winner has been chosen. Entries for the new drawing have started!
Henry Jope has won a prize. Please pick up your prize before March 31
, 2025
Grand Melee (Weekdays, Sat., Sun.)
Our monthly Grand Melee Joust League is complete! A new league starts now!
And Learn a game with Chris sessions count!
1st place with 41.855 points goes to Steve Cerce
Steve Cerce is our Champion of the Lists for March and gets 10% of all
Board Game purchases and a $5 discount on all Grand Melee event fees.
Earn Reward Card Stamps , store credit, and more!
Let us know ahead of time if you want to learn and play a game. We will be featuring games we want to play and teach
Mondays - Fridays 11am - 5pm: General Board Games
Saturdays at 3pm: General Board Games
Every 2nd, 4th, and 5th week = special games with Chris
Our monthly Digimon Joust League is complete! A new league starts now!
We had no participants so no prizes are awarded
In addition, here are our January leaderboard winners
Month End hi-score 17: James Potvin wins 1 pack of sleeves
Ongoing average hi-score 17.96: James Potvin : 1 Digimon pack
Earn Reward Card Stamps , store credit, and more!
Saturdays is also our Digimon Day. We will hold constructed/ draft/ sealed tournaments as desired
Disney Lorcana
Our monthly Disney Lorcana Joust League is complete! A new league starts now!
1st place with 35.6 points goes to Anthony Navarro who wins a deck box and sleeves
Anthony Navarro is our Illumineer for March and gets 10% of all Lorcana purchases and a $5
discount on all Lorcana event fees as not enough games were played.
In addition, here are our January leaderboard winners
First place goes to
Month End hi-score Tim Lam with 33 points gets 1 Lorcana pack
Ongoing average hi-score 37.75: Eric Witman : 1 Lorcana pack
Earn Reward Card Stamps , store credit, and more!
Wednesdays is also our Lumineer League. We will hold constructed/ draft/ sealed tournaments as desired
Magic: The Gathering
Our monthly Magic: The Gathering Joust League is complete! A new league starts
We had no participants so no prizes are awarded
In addition, The top of our Magic Leaderboard spots go to the following players,
who will win a pack for first place for the month and highest ongoing average
In addition, here are our January leaderboard winners
Commander (yes, this is from filling in your pod sheets)
Month End hi-score 25 Denise Gilbert : 1 Magic pack
Ongoing average hi-score 18.33: Rob Giles : 1 Magic pack
No entries
Month End hi-score 56: Charlie Mohr : 1 Magic pack
Ongoing average hi-score 41.916: Charlie Mohr: 1 Magic pack
Earn Reward Card Stamps , store credit, and more!
Our monthly Pokémon Joust League is complete! A new league starts now!
1st place with 40 points goes to Matt Pimental who wins 1 full reward card.
Matt Pimental is our Gym Leader for March and nobody earns
the 10% discount on all Pokémon-related purchases and a $5 discount on Pokémon event
In addition, here are our January leaderboard winners
Month End hi-score 56: Rorric Duggan : 1 Pokémon pack
Ongoing average hi-score 37.08: Adam Weiner: 1 Pokémon pack
Earn Reward Card Stamps , store credit, and more!
We have weekly Pokémon Standard Tournaments every Sunday at 12:00, unless interrupted for special events. League games can be played any day.
Star Wars Unlimited
Our monthly Star Wars Unlimited Joust League is complete! A new league starts
We had no participants so no prizes are awarded
No games were played so no other prizes are awarded
Earn Reward Card Stamps , store credit, and more!
Role-Playing Games
Our monthly CRZ Hosted Games Joust League is complete! A new league starts now!
1st place goes to Alexis Byrnes
Alexis Byrnes is our Master for March and gets 10% of all RPG purchases and a $5
discount on all RPG event fees.
Earn Reward Card Stamps , store credit, and more!
See our RPG page here. https://www.roundtablegamesma.com/rpgs
