Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards

Currently recruiting players
No experience necessary, you just need a pencil and dice. Email us at roundtablegamesma@gmail.com with any questions/ interest. Cost is $15 per session, ($10 if you are a Knight of the Table, -$5 if you use 5 full RTG Reward cards). You should watch a session (free) before deciding to join.
The 1st 3 Tuesdays of each month 6-9pm: D&D 5E: FULL. (6 player max table).
The 1st 3 Wednesdays of each month 6-9pm: Hackmaster 4E: Looking for 1-2 players that can commit to a 3-week-per-month game. (8 player max table).
The 1st 3 Thursdays of each month 6-9pm: Pathfinder 2: FULL. (6 player max table).
The 1st 3 Saturdays of each month 12-3pm: Pathfinder 2: FULL. (6 player max table).
The 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month 12-3pm: Dragonbane FULL. (6 player max table)
Mon - Fri from 11am to 4pm: Various Board and Miniatures Games: What we play each week depends on how many players we have and who is available.
All non-RPG days: see calendar here to sign up
If there is a specific system you would like to play and/or learn, and a day and time you are available please let us know and we'll see if we can set something up. We have open time most weekdays from 12pm to 5pm.
Want to run your own game at Round Table Games?
That is awesome! We have battle maps, terrain and minis you can borrow (just please take care of them).
It costs $5 per person, but this can be reduced in the same way our sessions are; by RTG Reward Cards, by using free week or month table space cards or, if you spend at least $10 on product (s) that day there is no table fee. Knights play for free.
Player Code of Conduct
1. The game must go on
2. The Game Master is always right (amended: will always end right but if you feel a rule is being misinterpreted or is wrong please feel free to bring it up)
3. The game table (and by extension, the store) is neutral territory
4. A player shall not look behind the GameMaster's screen or look at his notes
5. All information on a player's character sheet shall be accurate, current and truthful
6. A player shall not cheat and will promptly report those who do to their GameMaster at the earliest possible convenience (privately is ok)
7. A player shall not covet or touch fellow players' dice and/or any other possessions without first being given permission
8. A player shall take responsibility for his own actions and or behavior when deemed appropriate by others and shall not attribute them to roleplaying
9. We are all friends at the table. If you feel that is not true, your place may not be at the table until it is true.
10. No Meta-gaming!
11. If someone calls something off-limits, we will all respect their boundaries, no questions asked.
12. If your character is a loner that doesn't work well with others, make a different character.
13. Be a mentor to other players, especially new players that may even just be watching to gauge interest. More people means more fun.
14. Be conscious of age levels in the store and modify language appropriately. If this seems like too much of a hassle, always assume young ears are nearby and it's not our place to befoul them.
15. Be familiar with RTG's House Rules and Campaign-Specific Rules
About your DM/ GM/ Keeper/ Shield Monkey
I'm Chris and I run the RPG's at Round Table Games. My wife and I are also the owners. I have been playing and running Dungeons and Dragons since it was invented (yes, I am old - possibly already dust according to one of our younger players). I have run just about every other system out there and enjoy 99% of them. For me the games are about the fun of imagination and all of us agreeing to live in our minds for a few hours, agreeing to abide by the laws and the rules of the universe in which we are playing. While I believe a certain amount of lethality makes treasures won worth the effort, i am not a "gotcha" DM. Hidden rules are not a thing and your character may have knowledge of adventuring that surpasses yours, at first.
While my primary goal is for everyone to have fun, always winning is not a realistic goal and you must adjust your ambitions slightly if that is the case. In addition, your definition of fun cannot impinge on another player's definition of fun. We are all people first, characters second.
Games are certainly no place for anger We are all here to have fun, laugh, and share a story.
I do tend to the group dynamic more than the individual. For me it's a team game, but that doesn't mean you can't make your character stand out and shine.
Also, be in character to whatever extent you desire. You can speak with an accent, or simply describe what you do. Or anything in between, and mix it up. There is no wrong way to play you character! You can ask for advice but you get to make your character's decisions.
All that being said, I am a fan of Wheaton's Law, "Don't be a dick." Words to live by.
If you are nervous about playing, or think it's too hard, or have no idea what to expect, please contact me. I promise it is not difficult and the only expectation I have is that you enjoy yourself, play fairly, and play true.
What does it cost?
We reserve space at our games by the month. For a typical 3-weeks-per-month game it's $45 ($30 if you are Knights of the Inner Circle. The only way to guarantee a seat is to pre-pay prior to the day of the event.
If you pay the event fee the day of it is $5 higher than normal
Payment can be made at the store or a credit card number can be called into us at 508-465-1671. RTG will create the seat reservation(s) at the time of payment
Session seats are not transferable between players, games, or dates,
Ownership of a physical copy is not a requirement for your first session, but will be required to continue to play. You must own a physical copy of any books whose content you are using. This only applies to in-print systems that we carry. If we can't get it, we don't require you to own it.
What do you get?
Everyone gets to have RPG fun with friends, old and new, in a friendly, warm, and welcoming environment.
Everyone gets 3+ hours of gaming entertainment/ education
Everyone who is a member of our free rewards program earns 2 RTG Reward Card stamps for playing (Knights earned double)
Knights of the Inner Circle are given a chip each session which is good for a 1-per-game benefit: re-roll, force the DM to re-roll, or re-roll a failed re-roll. (This chip follows the rules listed below for crits and fumbles.)
Knights also gain access to experimental options and some third-party materials (e.g. Unearthed Arcana (each option still requires DM approval))
If you have purchased (or have on order) a core rulebook from us for the game in question you get 1 free re-roll each session. (This chip follows the rules listed below for crits and fumbles.)
You can spend RTG Reward cards in the following way
1 card is a re-roll (once per roll.) 1 boon sheet is required to re-roll a crit fumble.
5 cards forces the DM to re-roll (once per roll). 2 boon sheets are required to re-roll a crit hit rolled by the GM.
5 cards to re-roll a player's failed non-fumble re-roll (unlimited)
You can spend RTG RPG Achievement sheets in the following way
1 full player sheet can be used for a player boon. We can decide what that means during gameplay. It must benefit the player using it, not the entire group. It must be a life-saving or situation-resolving benefit, not just better gear. It can also be used to re-roll a fumble or 2 can be used to force a re-roll of a DM crit. The idea of the sheets is to prevent character death, not as a power-up.
1 full group sheet can be used for a group boon. We can decide what that means during gameplay, but a simple majority is required to use a group sheet.
If you have a mini that represents your race and class, and you purchased/ received it from Round Table Games, you get +1 to any roll. If it's painted get an additional +1. (some systems require 2 +1's to = +1)
You get a +1 chip for every $10 you spend. These can be spent at any time, as long as you do not increase a roll beyond what the die could achieve, and it does not trigger "natural" rolled results. (some systems require 2 +1's to = +1)
+1 chips must be applied before you roll the die. The +1 chips are used on the first die-roll, even if you choose to re-roll
Re-rolls must be applied before you know if your roll is a success or not.
Emergency Scratch-off D20's may be purchased for $1 or $5 for a DM reroll (twice that much to undo a critical fumble or hit). They can be purchased an unlimited number of times.
"If it's square it can be shared". Round chips can only be used for the player using them. However, square resources used for another player are only 1/2 effective (2 needed for a re-roll, 2 +1's = +1, etc.
Certain products (plushies, figurines, mystery dice products) grant you a re-roll usable the day you buy the item
Certain actions (not paying attention to the game, speaking over the GM, each nat 20 a player rolls beyond their first per session will result in the GM receiving a Doom chip (a GM re-roll)