Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards
What is it ?
Join us Tuesday, December 31st, 2024 at Round Table Games for, well,!
You can play games any day but on these days we will make a concerted effort to join in and teach you whatever we are playing. What that is depends largely on who is available and when, so sign up and let us know when you are coming in! Even if you can't get in a game with us there should be other folks looking to play something.
We will be choosing from our extensive in-store library of games.
When is it?
December 31 from 11am to midnight.
Where is it?
Round Table Games 128 Main St., Ste. A Carver, MA 02330
What does it cost?
What do you get?
You get to learn and play games with a welcoming, friendly group. You will earn points based on where you place in our Grand Melee Joust League. Points are also based on the complexity and length of the game.
You also get access to our vast library and can bring and play any games you like.
Are there any restrictions?
Regardless, all who plan to attend please email us at and tell us what time you plan to be coming, and how long you plan to stay so we may plan our games accordingly.
In addition feel free to bring some food (for just yourself or to share).
If you are ill please do not come in and play.
Games Chris wants to run (keep checking back as I will be adding some)
Heat: Pedal to the Metal
Captain Sonar
Thunder Road Vendetta
Robo Rally
Formula D
Formula De
CLANK! A deck-building adventure game
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island
Return to Dark Tower
Camel Up Second Edition
Dice Throne
Long Shot the Dice Game
Love Letter
Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle
Ready Set Bet
Colt Express
BANG! The Dice Game
Wits & Wagers
Machi Koro
Dice City
The Great Dalmuti
The Red Dragon Inn
Robot Quest Arena
Space cadets
Tournament at Avalon
Escape the Dark Sector
Kill Doctor Lucky
Dungeons & Dragons Board Games (various)
Star Trek Five Year Mission
Just One
Cosmic Encounter
7 Wonders
Dice Town
Dungeons & Dragons Rock, Paper, Wizard
Cthulhu Death May Die
Three Dragon Ante
Munchkin (various)
Nuclear War
Fluxx (various)
Fireball Island
Three-Dragon Ante Legendary Edition
Road Kill Rally
Three-Dragon Ante: Emperor's Gambit
Dungeon Kart
Stay Away!